Friends of Shellman Bluff (FOSB) was established in 2001 as a State of Georgia registered, non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of life for the residents of Shellman Bluff and the surrounding communities. Volunteers do all the work. FOSB sponsors several events during the year.

The Shellman Bluff St. Patrick’s Parade is the primary fundraiser held each year by The Friends of Shellman Bluff. Other events also take place all during the year. Poker Runs, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Cart Parade, Beauty Pageants, and more!

The parade includes Shriners, marching bands, floats, decorated golf carts, fire trucks, and various organization representatives. Family activities, live entertainment, and food vendors are set up in the FOSB Park area. 

Proceeds of the events benefit the Shellman Bluff and Harris Neck Volunteer Fire Departments, along with various community improvement projects.

FOSB currently has almost 200 members dedicated to making North McIntosh County a better place to live.

Membership is easy and only $5.00! So head on over to our online form and fill it out and then print and mail us your check by clicking the button below.

Friends of Shellman Bluff also sponsors a scholarship program for qualified McIntosh County students.


You can download a form by clicking here to take it to school. (PDF) 

You can download a form by clicking here to take it to school. (WORD DOC)